During the summer, most of us want to spend a good portion of our days lounging in the pool. But spending too much time submerged in the swimming pool waters will leave your skin dry and itchy. Chlorine protects us from toxic bacteria that may are found in swimming pools. However, soaking in it for too long strips your body the natural oils in charge of moisturizing your skin. The result is dry, itchy, flaky and sensitive skin that all of us dread. This article will go over ways on how to protect skin from chlorine in pool.

Protect Your Skin

from the Chlorine in Pool

1. Wash Before Swimming

How to Protect Skin from Chlorine in Pool

It may sound a bit strange to rinse your body before jumping into the pool, but technically, our skin absorbs water. If the skin absorbs chlorine water, it can cause skin irritation. But rinsing our bodies with non-chlorinated water before swimming lessens the amount that will be absorbed and hence reduces the risk of irritation. When you jump into the pool while your skin is dry, it will absorb the chlorinated water faster compared to when it’s wet.

2. Use Some SPF

A sunscreen lotion will act as a barrier between your skin and the chlorine water. The lotion keeps chlorine from drying out your skin. It is designed to block chlorine and ensure that your skin retains moisture. If you a regular swimmer, it will also prevent premature aging. So if you plan on swimming, investing in a good sunscreen may not be such a bad idea. However, don’t apply it and immediately jump into the pool. Wait for at least 15 minutes after applying before swimming as this will give it enough time to be absorbed.

3. Rinse Skin Immediately After You Swim

As soon as you get out of the pool, ensure that you rinse your skin thoroughly with fresh water. Showering immediately after swimming can help lower moisture loss as it keeps the skin from suffering from prolonged contact. Make sure that you thoroughly wash out all the chlorine from your body. It is also advisable that you shower with warm water as it will help open up pores.

4. Hydrate Yourself

Like we have said earlier, chlorine dries your skin by absorbing its moisture. So if you are a frequent swimmer, ensure that you keep yourself hydrated. If your skin is already dehydrated, it will be easier for chlorine to damage it. Due to the lack of water, it will absorb the chlorinated pool water. Therefore, you should stay healthy and keep your skin moisturized by drinking a lot of water.

Bottom Line

Long term exposure to chlorine can not only cause skin irritation, but can result to premature aging, acne and worse, skin cancer. Use these tips to know how to protect skin from chlorine in pool whenever you are going to swim in a chlorinated pool. Also, if you have the option, swim in salt water pools or in the oceans. As these pools don’t require chlorine to be added hence are less problematic to our skin.