Owning a pool is great fun but it comes with a huge responsibility. Just like a computer, a car and most other items, your swimming pool needs regular upkeep to be at its best. That’s why it’s important to understand some pool maintenance basics. Here is a swimming pool maintenance checklist to act as a guide.

Swimming Pool Maintenance Checklist

This article outlines some basic maintenance tips you should bear in mind to keep your pool working smoothly. It outlines the basic components of your pool that need regular care to keep it in tip-top condition.

These include:

Swimming Pool Maintenance Checklist
  • The pool water
  • The pool’s system of skimmers and returns
  • The pool’s filtration system
  • The pool’s liner or interior wall

Pool Water

Be sure to keep your pool water balanced, clean and clear. The idea is to protect you and your family from pollutants and contaminants. Taking good care of your pool water also helps to avoid costly hardware repairs resulting from a buildup of minerals or corrosion, increasing your pool’s useful life. Therefore, make sure to check your pool’s chlorine level and adjust it accordingly.

Pool Interior

The walls of your pool liner are constantly in contact with the pool water, and everything that enters your pool. keeping the surfaces clear of algae and debris and in good repair will help to keep your pool clean and safe.

Pool Filter System

The filtration system functions like your liver. It may seem a bit weird but think about it this way: Your pool pump keeps water circulating by drawing water, just like your heart keeps pumping blood. Your pool filter, on the other hand, gets rid of contaminants and dirt from the water.

In the long run, both protect your pool from harm. Without a well-functioning filtration system, your pool will soon get polluted, cloudy and unswimmable.

Swimming Pool Maintenance Checklist

Pool Skimmers and Returns

If the pool’s filters are your pool’s liver, then the skimmers and returns are its veins and arteries. Skimmers pull water into the filter so it can be cleaned while the returns push the water back into the pool. Be careful not to confuse skimmers with the net skimmer (a cleaning tool that’s typically attached to a telescoping pole). And it goes without saying that both the skimmers and returns work best when they’re clean and clear of obstructions.

The Three Cs Of Proper Pool Maintenance


Proper pool circulation is key to safe and healthy swimming. A pool with good circulation will rarely have issues such as pool algae infestation or cloudy water.


Over time, your pool will have all sorts of contaminants ranging from leaves and mold to shampoo residues, hair products and perfumes. Add in other risks such as bacterial contamination and it becomes obvious why you need to clean your pool.


Pool chemistry might sound complex but it’s surprisingly straightforward. Invest in a testing kit, know what’s in your water and then you can start to add chemicals to tweak the balance.

Bottom Line

Pools are different and the chances are you’ll encounter pool maintenance challenges that are specific to your pool as time goes on. But if you have a firm grasp on the four major pool components and follow this simple swimming pool maintenance checklist, you should be able to deal with most upkeep challenges.